“A Church Alive… Is Worth the Drive!”
Power Packed – and exciting Ministries await you and your entire family at PWM! We have outstanding Men’s and Women’s Fellowship meetings (Men’s Fellowship is the 1st Saturday of every Month and starts promptly @7pm. Women’s Fellowship occurs the 3rd Saturday of every Month and begins at 2pm). We have the YOUNG LADIES OF INTERGRITY ministry (for Teen girls); CHAIN BREAKERS (Addiction and Recovery Ministry); A SINGLE GIFT (ministry for singles to develop their value & uniqueness); MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (an Off-site satiilite Marriage Ministry); and many other crucial ministries to assist you and your family navigate the “Hard Places” in life.
Welcome to Perfect Will Ministries… it is our desire that you “be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and PERFECT WILL of God.” (Romans 12:1-2)